Ballpark Village businesses are hosting a job fair on Tuesday, March 11 from 1-7PM inside Shark Bar, located on the second level of Ballpark Village. Applicants will have an opportunity to learn more about available positions and interview in-person at the fair.

Available Positions

Servers, bartenders, barbacks, bussers, porters, line cooks, prep cooks, hosts, cashiers, banquet staff, security, management, groundskeeping / maintenance, and more

Participating Venues

Budweiser Brew House, Shark Bar, PBR Cowboy Bar, FanDuel Sports Network Live! (formerly Bally Sports Live!), Cardinals Nation, Condado Tacos, Sports & Social, RSC Security, Scott Credit Union, and St. Louis Parking

Applicants must bring proof of a Hep A vaccination and two forms of identifications. Acceptable documents include:

Drivers License or State-Issued I.D.

Birth Certificate

U.S. Passport

Social Security Card